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8.23】ACD-LDCMC Workshop on Graphene-Based Materials
2012-08-08 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

 22-23 August, 2012

Shenyang, China


Chair: Prof. Hui-Ming Cheng

     Advanced Carbon Division (ACD)
      Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science
       Institute of Metal Research
       Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR CAS)
      The People’s Republic of China

Co-Chair: Prof. Jong-Beom Baek

    Low Dimensional Carbon Materials Center (LDCMC)
      Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy
      Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
      The Republic of Korea

Venue: Seminar Hall (No. 468), Lee Hsun Building



(23 August, 2012)

10:00-10:10  Opening Remarks, Prof. H. M. Cheng, IMR CAS, China

10:10-10:45  Edge-Selectively Functionalized Graphite

        Prof. Jong-Beom Baek, UNIST, Korea

10:45-11:20  Well-Defined Graphene-Based Nanomaterials and Their Properties

        Prof. Lin-Jie Zhi, National Center for Nanosci. and Nanotech., China

11:20-11:55  CVD Growth of Large Single-Crystal Graphene Grains and 3D Graphene

        Prof. Hui-Ming Cheng, IMR, CAS

11:55-13:30  Lunch

13:30-14:05  Functionalization of Graphene by Non-Covalent Bonding

        Prof. Hyeon-Suk Shin, UNIST, Korea

14:05-14:40  Graphene: Interface, Assembly and Functionalization

        Prof. Quan-Hong Yang, Tsinghua Univ., China

14:40-15:00  Coffee Break

15:00-15:35  Graphene-Based Flexible Energy Storage Devices

        Prof. Feng Li, IMR CAS, China

15:35-16:10  Computational Study of Electronic and Ionic Structures for Energy Conversion
          and Storage

        Prof. Noe-Jung Park, UNIST, Korea

16:10-16:45  Controlled Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

        Prof. Chang Liu, IMR CAS, China

16:45-17:00   Closing Remark, Prof. Jong-Beom Baek, UNIST

17:00-17:10  Signing Ceremony of MOU between ACD and LDCMC


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