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6.13】Prof. Daolun Chen
Topic: Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Lightweight Alloys
2013-06-07 | 文章来源:外事办        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Lightweight Alloys

Speaker: Prof. Daolun Chen

      Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
        Ryerson University Toronto, Canada

Time: 10:30-12:00 AM., Thur., Jun. 13th, 2013

Venue: Room 403, R&D center, IMR CAS

Welcome to attend!


Lightweight magnesium alloys and aluminum alloys as well as advanced high strength steels are increasingly used in today’s auto-body construction for improving fuel efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The structural applications of these materials unavoidably involve welding and joining in the automotive assembly. Resistance spot welding has been the dominant joining technology for vehicle manufacturing, dating back to the 1950s, with high reliability, low costs, and considerable manufacturing robustness. It is, however, challenging to join lightweight magnesium and aluminum alloys using resistance spot welding. Ultrasonic spot welding, a solid-state joining process that produces coalescence through a simultaneous application of localized high-frequency ultrasonic vibratory energy and moderate clamping forces, is being considered as a candidate replacement technology for resistance spot welding. In this talk, some results on the weldability, microstructural change, formation of intermetallic compounds, lap shear strength, and fatigue properties of both similar and dissimilar ultrasonic spot welds of Mg-to-Mg, Mg-to-Al, Mg-to-HSLA steel and Al-to-HSLA steel with or without an interlayer of tin or zinc will be presented.


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