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8.26】海外人才走进科学院活动学术报告--兰波博士 题目:Texture determination from ultrasound for HCP and cubic materials
2015-08-24 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目:Texture determination from ultrasound for HCP and cubic materials 






Crystallographic texture in polycrystalline HCP and cubic materials has profound effects on properties at the macroscopic or component level. This research aims to develop a non-destructive, three-dimensional bulk texture detection method for these materials through systematic studies on the relationship between ultrasonic wave velocity and texture.

The feasibility of such development is firstly demonstrated via the combination of computational and experimental studies on exemplary HCP materials, where numerical and experimental results reveal that the wave speed varies progressively and significantly with changing texture. Then, a novel convolution theorem is presented, which couples the single crystal wave speed (the kernel function) with polycrystal orientation distribution function to give the resultant polycrystal wave speed function. Firstly developed on HCP and then successfully extended to general anisotropic materials, the theorem expresses the three functions as harmonic expansions, thus enabling the calculation of any one of them when the other two are known. Hence, the forward problem of determination of polycrystal wave speed is solved for all crystal systems with verifications on varying textures showing near-perfect representation of the sensitivity of wave speed to texture as well as quantitative predictions of polycrystal wave speed. More importantly, the theorem also presents a solution to the long-standing inverse problem for HCP and cubic materials, with proof of principle established where groups of HCP and cubic textures are recovered solely from polycrystal wave velocities through the theorem and the results show good agreements with the original textures. Therefore the theorem opens up the possibility of developing a powerful technique for bulk texture measurement and wave propagation studies in HCP, cubic materials and beyond.



  博士期间研究课题:Heterogeneous behaviours of Industrial Hexagonal Materials,是一个集结了英国牛津大学、帝国理工学院、曼彻斯特大学等大学和 Rolls-RoyceWestinghouseTimet等大型工业公司的综合性研究课题。



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