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2015-10-19 | 文章来源:青年职工俱乐部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题  目:Osteogenic Strontium Phosphate Conversion Coatings of Metallic Biomaterials for Future OrthopaedicImplants

主讲人:Dr. Xiaobo CHEN (陈晓博)

        Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University, Australia.

时  间:1020日(周二)上午10:00 - 11:30

地  点:师昌绪楼403会议室


Osteoporotic fracture is a prevailing symptom in the ageing population, postmenopausal women, and male patient suffering chronic kidney disease. All sophisticated implantable devices for bone fracture treatment, however, lack the design and functionalities that satisfy the particular requirements for osteoporotic cases. We developed a strontium phosphate (SrP) coating on metallic implant candidates with superior biocompatibility and mechanical properties close to that of natural bone, to address this challenge through modulating the growth of osteoblast and osteoclast cells in opposite ways. With aid of controllable release of Sr ions from the resulting coating into physiological environments, osteoblast cells performed remarkably upgraded proliferation and differentiation, whilst the cellular responses of osteoclasts were dramatically suppressed. Theseparticular implants with SrP coating provide a new pathway to design and manufacture implantable devices that are desperately required for the clinical treatment of osteoporotic fracture. 


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