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9.10】Prof. David Shoesmith
Topic:The Development of Corrosion-resistant Copper-coated Steel Containers for the Permanent Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste
2019-09-05 | 文章来源:中科院核用材料与安全评价重点实验室        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic:The Development of Corrosion-resistant Copper-coated Steel Containers for the Permanent Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste

Speaker:Prof. David Shoesmith(Western University)

Time:9:00 (Tue.) Sep.10, 2019

Venue:Room 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS


David.W. Shoesmith

Department of Chemistry, Western University

David Shoesmith is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry (since 1998) and the Director of Surface Science Western (since 2011). He received his Ph.D. in Electrochemistry from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1970 and was a Research Scientist with Atomic Energy of Canada (Whiteshell Laboratories) from 1973 to 1998. He presently holds the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NSERC/NWMO) Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Fuel Disposal Chemistry (since November, 2000).

He is an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2016), the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International) (1996), the Canadian Society for Chemistry (1985) and the Electrochemical Society (2011). He has won awards from the Electrochemical Society (Lash Miller award (1979), Canadian Electrochemistry award(2010), H.H. Uhlig award (2015)), NACE International (Whitney award (2011)), The Chinese Academy of Science (Lee Hsun Lecture award (2015)), the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Cohen award (2001), Atomic Energy of Canada (Discovery award (1994)), and Western University (Distinguished Professorship (2005), Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring (2010)).

He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings, 150 company and commercial reports, given ~100 invited lectures and award addresses, and coauthored ~350 conference presentations and posters.

His research is on the electrochemistry and corrosion of materials with a special emphasis on the corrosion of uranium dioxide and nuclear waste container materials under permanent waste disposal conditions. In these areas he has collaborative projects with universities and research organizations in Sweden, South Korea, Spain and Argentina. His research is also funded by automobile, chemical processing and oil and gas transmission companies.


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